Client Location:
Richmond, VA

Project Manager
Miranda Nash
Richmond, VA, Nonprofit Website Design
Fit4Kids, a Richmond nonprofit, were seeking a local marketing agency because their website had become outdated and the navigation was unorganized, making it cumbersome for users seeking key resources. Staff also cited internal pain points around technical integration and website content management. Their goal was to create a modern website with optimized content and site structure that would provide an easily navigable interface, clear information, and valuable resources to their target audiences (teachers, parents, volunteers, etc).
We kicked off the project with meetings with the client to identify goals and clarify project objectives to fine-tune their digital marketing strategy. Because the site serves a variety of stakeholders, we conducted an audience and endpoints analysis to guide content strategy and structure. We developed the new website sitemap and worked with the client on content organization and development. Thoughtful planning went into the setup, integration, and optimization of internal page content structure, website forms, and custom post types representing the various resources Fit4Kids offers for its stakeholders (active lesson plans, brain boosters, etc.).
The client is thrilled with the new active lesson plans page due to its ease of use, overall organization, and search and filter functionality. Another bonus: having the lesson plans hosted directly on the website and not in a spreadsheet, as they had done previously, makes managing lesson plan content easier for the Fit4Kids team. Internal pages and user-facing forms are now strategically organized and presented to provide a clear and direct journey for users.
Overall, the new website provides much more than a fresh face for the organization – it serves as a powerful, user-friendly resource for teachers, parents, volunteers, and staff in the Richmond, Virginia, area and beyond.

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