Productivity is a combination of efficiency (getting things done quickly) and effectiveness (doing things right). Productivity in the workplace is a critical underpinning of a profitable, sustainable business. However, many businesses struggle to maximize productivity due to a lack of clarity around responsibilities and deadlines, poor communication among team members, and inefficient management.
At Xponent21, we have adopted a project management solution that has helped us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of each and every one of our employees. This, in turn, has contributed to significant growth within our company. With Asana, we believe that you too can maximize the productivity of your business in four simple steps outlined below.
Step 1: Improve Clarity
Improving clarity among team members ensures that everyone on the team knows who is doing what and by when. When everything is clearly assigned, no one wastes time wondering what they’re supposed to be working on, communication around tasks is reduced, and nothing falls through the cracks.
By the numbers:
- 82% of users say Asana gives their team increased clarity around work responsibilities.
- 85% of users say Asana helps their team know who is doing what, by when.
- 68% of customers say Asana makes their team’s goals more clear.
Step 2: Increase Accountability
Accountability in the workplace ensures that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and take ownership of the role they play to support the team. This provides a dual benefit of strengthening the team and developing leadership qualities in your employees.
By the numbers:
- 80% of users say Asana increases accountability on their team.
- 80% of users say Asana helps them know who is responsible for each step of a project.
Step 3: Improve Communication
Communication is the area in which Asana has the greatest potential to impact your business. Improving communication facilitates collaboration and makes more time available for revenue-generating tasks.
By the numbers:
- 67% of users say Asana makes it easier to collaborate with other teams in their company.
- 81% of users say Asana makes it easier to communicate about work.
- 65% of users say Asana has reduced the amount of email and status meeting with their team.
Step 4: Streamline Administration
Administration is an essential component of any business. However, when it comes down to it, administration isn’t a revenue-generating task. With Asana, managing your administrative tasks will consume significantly less time, making more time available for profitable tasks.
By the numbers*:
- 28% of an interaction worker’s workweek is spent managing email. (Interaction workers are people whose jobs require interacting with other people, such as managers, professionals, and salespeople.)
- 19% of an interaction worker’s workweek is spent looking for internal information or tracking down internal resources.
- 14% of an interaction worker’s workweek is spent on internal collaboration.
- Improved communication and collaboration through technology like Asana could raise the productivity of interaction workers by 20-25%.
*(McKinsey Global Institute, “The Social Economy”)
What kind of results can you expect with Asana?
The data don’t lie, Asana can have a huge positive impact on your business:
- 74% of users say Asana helps their team meet deadlines.
- 66% of users say Asana enables them to get more work done.
- Asana makes teams 45% more efficient.
To learn how Asana could be implemented as a project management solution for your business, contact us today. We help companies quantify the benefits of using Asana and help them with a successful implementation within their organization. Learn more.
The data included in this report are from Asana unless otherwise noted.
Courtney Turrin is VP of Data Science at Xponent21. Our company provides digital and business solutions that help our clients delight customers, drive revenue and increase operational efficiency. If you would like more information about our services, reach out to us.
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