Operational Efficiency

Prioritizing Career Satisfaction: Work Experience Design & Doing Work You Love
August 17, 2022
Courtney Turrin
As Chief Work Officer at Xponent21, I’m tasked with ensuring that our team has the tools, training, and systems in place to allow them to focus on and perform their best work. By creating a work environment that prioritizes the employee experience and fosters optimal performance, we believe that everyone wins – our clients, their customers, our employees, our company, and ultimately, our community.
That sounds idyllic, but how does it work in practice?…

Rethinking the 40 Hour Workweek: How Americans Can Get More Done AND Work Less
June 14, 2022
Will Melton
It’s well known that Americans value productivity and work. We are a culture that esteems advancement. We pride ourselves on developing the newest technologies and having the world’s highest GDP. Our cultural fascination with work helps fuel our economy, our social systems, and our innovation. It also gives us the freedom to pursue our version of the American Dream. But…

Building a Team Culture in a Remote Workplace
February 9, 2022
Courtney Turrin
What Is Team Culture? My background is in science, specifically biology. So when I think about culture, one definition that instantly comes to mind is “the cultivation of cells in an artificial medium containing nutrients”. In the context of society, culture refers to the customary beliefs, social norms, and traits of a racial, religious, or social group. It encompasses many…

A Framework for Workplace Experience: Reporting on Our First Quarter WX Efforts
December 20, 2021
Courtney Turrin
Key Takeaways: Approaching the Workplace Experience Like an Experience Designer At Xponent21, there is a question that is baked into every experience that we design: What happens next? You might think of experience design as analogous to building a physical structure. The design needs to be architecturally sound and complete, with pathways to get someone safely from point A to…

Chief Work Officer: The Essential Role for Modern Business
August 25, 2021
Courtney Turrin
Key Takeaways: Work is life. There is no other body that we step into when our shift starts and we don’t leave all of our personal stuff behind when the workday begins. We certainly don’t stop thinking about what is happening at work just because the workday is over. Our work life impacts our personal lives and what we do…

It’s Time We Give The F-Word New Meaning: Saying Goodbye to the Friday Feeling
August 14, 2020
Will Melton
Everyone in America knows what Fridays “feel” like. For some it may seem exciting because the weekend is just around the corner; others may feel a little rebellious because we all know that Friday is a day to take the load off. Our favorite bosses go easy at the office and our favorite teachers play movies in the classroom. Fridays…

Why We’re Embracing a Four-Day Workweek
January 9, 2020
Will Melton
If you’re a small business owner, you understand very well just how many things must be balanced in order to build a profitable, sustainable company. In pursuit of success, we’re taught, either through school or the School of Hard Knocks, that the customer must be pleased first and foremost (and as a marketing guy, I’ll tell you they should). But…

Why CEOs and COOs are Reshaping the Growth Mindset to Prioritize General Improvement Over Financial Performance
July 2, 2019
Will Melton
Growth is a unifying pursuit that most, if not all, companies and organizations embark upon. American writer William S. Burroughs encapsulated the fundamental nature of growth when he said: “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” This pursuit sits at the forefront of the minds of decision-makers with the primary benchmarks being increased revenues and profits. With growth topping the priorities…

4 Steps to Maximize Productivity in the Workplace
November 16, 2018
Courtney Turrin
Productivity is a combination of efficiency (getting things done quickly) and effectiveness (doing things right). Productivity in the workplace is a critical underpinning of a profitable, sustainable business. However, many businesses struggle to maximize productivity due to a lack of clarity around responsibilities and deadlines, poor communication among team members, and inefficient management. At Xponent21, we have adopted a project…
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