Artificial Intelligence

How to Optimize Your Content to Rank in AI Search Results

September 6, 2024
Will Melton
Watch our complete lunch and learn on optimizing your content to rank in AI search results.As AI-powered search engines like Perplexity, Google’s AI Overviews (Gemini), and generative AI tools like ChatGPT gain influence, content creators must adapt their SEO strategies. Success in AI-driven search now requires more than traditional keyword optimization—it demands a deep understanding of how AI interprets content,

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All About AI SEO & Other New Terms: Navigating the New Frontier of Search

August 31, 2024
Will Melton
The rapid evolution of AI technology is transforming the world of search engine optimization (SEO). As AI becomes increasingly integrated into search engines and content creation, new terms like AI SEO, SGE, AI Overviews, and GEO (Generative Engine Optimization) are emerging. Understanding these concepts is crucial for staying ahead in this evolving landscape, ensuring your brand and content remain visible

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human and AI hand outstretched

Managing AI Limitations: The Essential Balance of Automation and Human Oversight

August 30, 2024
Courtney Turrin
The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed industries and reshaped how we interact with technology. While AI’s capabilities in content generation, data-driven insights, and automation are impressive, embracing these innovations requires recognizing the limitations that still demand human oversight. Without this critical balance, we risk undermining the very tools meant to enhance our lives.The Potential and Pitfalls of

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The Evolving Search Landscape: AI, Monopolies, and the Future of SEO

August 8, 2024
Will Melton
The digital world is in the midst of a transformation, driven by the rapid evolution of AI technologies and a historic legal ruling that could redefine the future of search engines. As businesses grapple with these changes, understanding the intersection of AI, SEO, and the implications of Google’s dominance in the search market is critical for success.The AI Revolution in

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