Our Blog

WAO Garage
March 7, 2023
Will Melton
WAO Garage already had a fun, light-hearted brand, and we wanted to maintain that with the new website, while evolving the content, design, user experience, and functionality of the site to compete in the architectural window film market. We would also upgrade their digital shop, making it fully functional to allow for online sales. Our scope of work included digital

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Pool Brokers USA
February 15, 2023
Will Melton
We strategically planned the site navigation structure and page content to create a clear and convenient user experience while elevating conversion opportunities for maximum impact. We conducted keyword research and optimized site content and metadata for the identified keywords to improve placement in search engine results and generate more organic traffic. We performed search query research to identify relevant high-value

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January 30, 2023
Will Melton
We replaced Layr’s Wix website with a performance designed WordPress site, featuring captivating use of color and movement in transitions, animations, and hover effects. We created a one-of-a-kind animated and branded video featuring city scenes to serve as the background of the homepage hero.

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man standing at summit of mountain
An Organic SEO Strategy to Take You to the Summit of Search Results
December 29, 2022
Courtney Turrin
This article is the second in our SEO Strategy series. If you haven’t read the first article, we suggest you start there to understand how organic SEO strategy fits into your broader SEO Strategy.  Organic SEO: The Lynchpin of a Winning SEO Strategy To recap from our first article: to win the game of search engine optimization (SEO), you must

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December 6, 2022
Will Melton
Because the site serves a variety of stakeholders, we began with an audience and endpoints analysis to guide content strategy and structure. We developed the new website sitemap and worked with the client on content organization and development. Thoughtful planning went into the setup, integration, and optimization of internal page content structure, website forms, and custom post types representing the various resources Fit4Kids offers for its stakeholders.

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Managed Services Group
November 29, 2022
Will Melton
To deliver on the client’s goals, the new site needed to incorporate an elevated design that conveyed professionalism and inspired confidence in the brand. It also needed strategic content that explained the business’s full service offering, was optimized for search placement, and compelled users to take action. We were also able to convey the brand’s professional, but fun personality by using a touch of humor in the top-level messaging.

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Energy Products Distribution
November 14, 2022
Will Melton
Recognizing the heightened need for an intuitive navigation experience, we used subtle design and color changes throughout the site to visually differentiate among the many product lines offered by EPD. We tested different menu displays to determine how best to help users find the information they were looking for on the site. The site also included an ecommerce store, a searchable directory of local installers, a gated membership portal, and an events calendar for industry training opportunities.

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optimizing a campaign
Behind the Scenes: Optimizing a Campaign for Success
October 24, 2022
Will Melton
With just a click of a button, your paid media campaign will go live for everyone to see. It’s that simple, right? Well, not quite.  What you and your target audience see is a tailored, well-designed message about your product, service or brand. However, what you don’t see is the extensive work behind the strategy, creation, development, and ongoing optimizations

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The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation
September 27, 2022
Will Melton
We created content to clarify the grant process for applicants, including providing a set of frequently asked questions and answers, a stepwise overview of the application process, and a checklist of all of the documents and information needed to complete the online application.

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satisfied employees circle up for a high 5
Prioritizing Career Satisfaction: Work Experience Design & Doing Work You Love
August 17, 2022
Courtney Turrin
As Chief Work Officer at Xponent21, I’m tasked with ensuring that our team has the tools, training, and systems in place to allow them to focus on and perform their best work. By creating a work environment that prioritizes the employee experience and fosters optimal performance, we believe that everyone wins – our clients, their customers, our employees, our company, and ultimately, our community.  That sounds idyllic, but how does it work in practice?

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Most of our clients don’t have the time --- or desire --- to read dozens of articles to keep a finger on the pulse of the digital marketing industry. And quite frankly, we believe they shouldn’t have to, because that’s our job. The Xponent21 team is dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest industry news and strategies so that our clients can focus on running their businesses. All of our articles are written with our clients in mind, providing you with just enough information to know that your marketing dollars are being put to good use and to feel empowered making decisions.

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