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Generating Authentic Engagement Webinar
Generating Authentic Engagement
February 10, 2022
Courtney Turrin
For businesses and organizations hoping to drive growth in 2022, the need for authentic engagement with all stakeholders, from clients and prospects to employees and partners, is critical – but tougher to achieve than ever before.

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Building team culture remote workplace logo
Building a Team Culture in a Remote Workplace
February 9, 2022
Courtney Turrin
What Is Team Culture? My background is in science, specifically biology. So when I think about culture, one definition that instantly comes to mind is “the cultivation of cells in an artificial medium containing nutrients”. A scientist is depicted holding a petri dish that appears to contain a microbial culture grown in agar. In the context of society, culture refers

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10 Graphic Design Trends For 2022 logo
10 Inspirational Interior Design Trends for 2022 That Will Put a Skip in Your Graphic Design Step.
February 3, 2022
Nikki Peters
I once read the book “Steal Like an Artist” (which I highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already!), and every time I am stuck in a design funk, this section comes to mind: Diversify Your Circle. Although the author is talking about diversity in social circles (i.e. garnering inspiration from individuals not in your own line of work), this

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Should Businesses Accept Cryptocurrency in Ecommerce Store?
Should I Accept Cryptocurrency in my eCommerce Store?
January 31, 2022
Will Melton
Key Takeaways: Cryptocurrencies have been around since 2009 and have been adopted as a form of payment by thousands of businesses across the United States. Cryptocurrency investing is still very risky and should be treated with caution, even if only using it as a form of payment. Online merchants can easily accept credit cards, but accepting cryptocurrency in your eCommerce

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Workplace Experience - Designing a Framework
A Framework for Workplace Experience: Reporting on Our First Quarter WX Efforts
December 20, 2021
Courtney Turrin
Key Takeaways: When designing the employee experience, creating a psychologically safe environment that encourages team members to share concerns, questions, and ideas is foundational to success. It is more important than ever before to effectively gauge and respond to employee burnout.  Implement conventions and procedures that clarify and streamline internal communications and reduce exposure to non-essential information. Set guidelines to

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chief work officer cwo graphic xponent21
Chief Work Officer: The Essential Role for Modern Business
August 25, 2021
Courtney Turrin
Key Takeaways: Automation technology and workforce distribution is driving shifts in how managers lead teams. A chief work officer’s primary role focuses on process and aims to improve the work experience for individuals on a team. Xponent21 introduced the role of Chief Work Officer in August of 2021 with the goal of empowering team members to deliver a truly unmatched

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6 Reasons You Should be Retargeting Customers
November 28, 2020
Will Melton
Retargeting Ads: What Are They? It’s happened to you before: you visit a website in search of a new gadget and all of a sudden, you start seeing ads for the gadget all over the Internet. You see the ads when you’re reading the news, when you’re scrolling through your newsfeed on Facebook, even when you’re researching recipes for the

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It’s Time We Give The F-Word New Meaning: Saying Goodbye to the Friday Feeling
August 14, 2020
Will Melton
Everyone in America knows what Fridays “feel” like. For some it may seem exciting because the weekend is just around the corner; others may feel a little rebellious because we all know that Friday is a day to take the load off. Our favorite bosses go easy at the office and our favorite teachers play movies in the classroom. Fridays

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6 Apps to Help Your Organization Transition to a Remote Work Culture
March 12, 2020
Will Melton
The Future of Work Literally Can’t Wait With the urgent need to contain the spread of an unprecedented virus, it has become mission critical for companies and organizations to communicate their readiness plans to staff and customers while simultaneously rolling out the digital infrastructure needed to support remote work culture and productivity. As a digital business, it made sense for

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Why We’re Embracing a Four-Day Workweek
January 9, 2020
Will Melton
If you’re a small business owner, you understand very well just how many things must be balanced in order to build a profitable, sustainable company. In pursuit of success, we’re taught, either through school or the School of Hard Knocks, that the customer must be pleased first and foremost (and as a marketing guy, I’ll tell you they should). But

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Most of our clients don’t have the time --- or desire --- to read dozens of articles to keep a finger on the pulse of the digital marketing industry. And quite frankly, we believe they shouldn’t have to, because that’s our job. The Xponent21 team is dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest industry news and strategies so that our clients can focus on running their businesses. All of our articles are written with our clients in mind, providing you with just enough information to know that your marketing dollars are being put to good use and to feel empowered making decisions.

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