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sexier than blake shelton
“Sexier than Blake Shelton” – Why Content Strategy Documentation is Sexy: Part 2
December 1, 2017
Will Melton
People® magazine recently dubbed Blake Shelton the sexiest man alive, sparking a huge (and comical) controversial debate. Regardless of where you fall in this argument, I feel confident that by the end of this article you’ll agree with me that content strategy documentation is quite a bit sexier than the country music star. Last month, I blogged about a content…

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Use this 1 Simple Tool to Boost your Website’s Conversion Rates
November 13, 2017
Courtney Turrin
Ever wonder whether a different hero image on your homepage might reduce your bounce rate? Or whether a different headline might connect better with your audience and boost conversion rates? If you have, then A/B testing may be a good option for you.…

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content strategy documentation
Why Content Strategy Documentation is Sexy: Part 1
October 30, 2017
Will Melton
Sexy — not a word you hear often at networking events and workshops. But when we’re talking about content strategy, it’s a necessary adjective.  Here’s why a content strategy manager from Capital One says content strategy documentation is sexy. In this day and age when there’s a meetup for every interest group under the sun, I’m thrilled that my city,…

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monetize your mobile app
How not to monetize your mobile app [Case Study]
October 23, 2017
Will Melton
With revenue from mobile apps approaching $77 billion in 2017, it’s no wonder everyone and their brother has an idea for a mobile app. Open the app store and you’ll find millions of individual apps – something for everyone and something for every task. Some of these apps are making the tasks in the physical world more digital, while others…

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A Peek Behind the Curtain: Using Data Analytics to Optimize Digital Marketing Performance
October 11, 2017
Courtney Turrin
Running a successful digital marketing campaign involves much more than designing ads and deploying them across social channels. To execute an effective campaign, we must first conduct research on who a business’s target audience is, which social channels provide the most effective means of reaching them, and how they prefer to interact with ads. Second, we must develop a research-based…

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How Conversion Optimization Leads to Big Boosts in Profit [Case Scenario]
March 11, 2017
Will Melton
Why are companies spending so much money growing their website traffic while ignoring a key ingredient in the recipe for success in digital marketing? It starts when someone says, “Hey, let’s buy some ads and drive a little traffic to our website.” Before you know it, the ads are up and running and traffic starts coming in. Then the phone…

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Track Your Marketing Better With These 10 Solutions [Bootstrap]
December 28, 2016
Will Melton
I am often amazed when I begin working with a new client to find that they have no real means of measuring how successful their investments in marketing have been. Considering that, on average, companies spend over 10% of their budget on marketing, it would make basic business sense that a company has a firm understanding of how well its…

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[Portfolio] Germaine Laboratories
September 5, 2016
Will Melton
Germaine Laboratories is an FDA-registered manufacturing facility specializing in point-of-care testing supplies for medical, drug testing, veterinary, and food & beverage industries. The primary objective for this website overhaul was to modernize both its design and functionality, aligning the digital presence with the quality of their products……

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Microsoft is Buying LinkedIn – What Does it Mean for You?
June 13, 2016
Will Melton
$26.2 billion is not small sum of money – especially for a company that was valued by the market at $16.8 billion. It’s a big bet for Microsoft, but at that premium, they see something that perhaps the market didn’t. What does it all mean for you? It’s likely that, in the near term, little will change with regard to…

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What Is Inbound Marketing?
February 16, 2016
Will Melton
Since the internet became a staple of modern life, marketing has been evolving to keep up with changing consumer behaviors and expectations. Many businesses have struggled to understand these changes, let alone adopt a new way of thinking and new methods of connecting with their audience. It used to be commonplace to purchase print ads and spend countless hours shaking…

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Most of our clients don’t have the time --- or desire --- to read dozens of articles to keep a finger on the pulse of the digital marketing industry. And quite frankly, we believe they shouldn’t have to, because that’s our job. The Xponent21 team is dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest industry news and strategies so that our clients can focus on running their businesses. All of our articles are written with our clients in mind, providing you with just enough information to know that your marketing dollars are being put to good use and to feel empowered making decisions.

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