Our Blog

What Is Inbound Marketing?
February 16, 2016
Will Melton
Since the internet became a staple of modern life, marketing has been evolving to keep up with changing consumer behaviors and expectations. Many businesses have struggled to understand these changes, let alone adopt a new way of thinking and new methods of connecting with their audience. It used to be commonplace to purchase print ads and spend countless hours shaking

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6 Ways to Know You’re Being Held Back & What to Do About It
January 13, 2016
Will Melton
Do you ever find yourself asking, “am I being held back at work?” Or do you think that a certain peer or superior is holding you back from getting a promotion or just receiving the recognition you deserve for your hard work? Everyone views success a little differently, but how much you are earning relative to others may have an

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This FREE Investment in Your Marketing Will Perform Better Than the Stock Market
January 12, 2016
Will Melton
If you’ve ever invested in the stock market (through your 401k, IRA or by purchasing retail), you’ve probably seen the exponential growth models associated with sustained investments and compounding interest. The idea is that in 30 or 40 years a modest regular investment in the market will result in a portfolio many times greater than what you’ve invested. Investing in

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Change the Way You See the World, This Year
December 9, 2015
Will Melton
Finding that one thing that will help you hit it out of the park in 2016 is not something that most people go in search of. You either find it by accident, or you do what everyone does and you create a list of resolutions and you make empty self-promises about how you are going to change in the new year. Maybe

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2-1 GROW: Web Retargeting & Old Fashion Retargeting
November 29, 2015
Will Melton
This is the first post in our series called 2-1 GROW where we’ll present two tips and one action item to propel your company’s growth. In our last blog post, we discussed the 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Retargeting Customers; In this edition, we’ll discuss two new ways you can retarget your website visitors to maximize conversions. Know This: You Can Retarget

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SEO: 3 Things YOU Can Do to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings
November 22, 2015
Will Melton
Search Engine Optimization is for EVERY Business Most people use search engines. It’s a fact. I could bore you with the statistics, but for the sake of this post, let’s just say that ALL people use search engines (nearly all people do). What this means is that showing up high in search results when someone searches for the products and services

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Your Next Website Design Project: How to Select the Right Person for the Job
November 21, 2015
Will Melton
The Challenge to Hiring the Right Person for a Great Website Design Oh how things have changed! It used to be that when you wanted a website, you called the guy you knew with the most tech savvy. You might have called him a computer nerd, or a tech geek, or maybe just Bob. As it turns out, Bob knew

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Most of our clients don’t have the time --- or desire --- to read dozens of articles to keep a finger on the pulse of the digital marketing industry. And quite frankly, we believe they shouldn’t have to, because that’s our job. The Xponent21 team is dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest industry news and strategies so that our clients can focus on running their businesses. All of our articles are written with our clients in mind, providing you with just enough information to know that your marketing dollars are being put to good use and to feel empowered making decisions.

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